
Melon Ice Cream

Melon Ice Cream.

Yummy melon ice cream in an even yummier container - isn't it cute? This ice cream has a nice melon flavour that is like a gelati style than creamy ice cream. Lucky, our local shop sells them.
Nothing better on a hot day.

This is another of my blogs I write at the moment, my main one is GoldCoaster

Keep checking back here for more Japanese Ice Cream.


  1. Mmm this certainly looks like it is very oishii~

  2. thanks for the comment.

    Does oishii mean nice, delicious?

  3. Yeah, to me "oishii" means delicious :D

  4. That is really cool! I want some. I love the coffee ice cream from Tesco MM...

  5. I live in New York and have an ice cream truck and want to sell these beautiful melon ice creams. Can anyone tell me who distributes them in the U.S.


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