
ice cream with ice!!

japanese ice cream blog - Take your regular shaved ice cone and then top it with various types of Japanese Soft Cream
A bit of a strange mix this one and one I don't think would work. Take your regular shaved ice cone and then top it with various types of Japanese Soft Cream. So you can have Rasberry shaved ice with Wasabi soft cream... no thanks. Maybe it is not that bad, maybe.

And what is with the Deer biscuits (even they say not very tasty)


  1. Whatt! SHaved ice with any ice cream is the best and so refreshing! This combo works all over Asia and in Hawaii too. Isn't it considered a kind of parfait in Japan? We make is regularly in my household and add different fruits, confections, powders, red bead and syrups according to our moods. Definitely something worth trying once..maybe not wasabi ice-cream, but you know what I mean.

  2. thanks for the great comment, it is really appreciated.


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