
Green Tomato and Wasabi Ice Cream Recipe

I was aked if there were any Green Tomato Ice Cream recipes but I couldn't find any. There are lots of Green Tea ice cream recipes though!
Anyway, I thought I will make my own Green Tomato and Wasabi Ice Cream. Tomato is a fruit so I guess it isn't so wierd as ice cream and the wasabi gives it just a little bite.


2-3 Green Tomatoes
400ml cream
3 egg yolks
100g castor sugar
1 tsp Wasabi paste


Wash then peel the green tomatoes (drop in boiling water for a couple of minutes then plunge in ice water to peel skin easily).
Blend and strain tomatoes to make a green tomato puree.
Pour the tomato puree into a saucepan and simmer until it has reduced to 150ml
Once the tomatoes have reduced, place in a container in the freezer until cold.
Add the cream,egg,sugar and wasabi in a saucepan and cook over very low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula until the mixture starts steaming and thickens slightly. Set aside in the refrigerater until cold.
When both mixtures have cooled, pour the puree into the egg mixture and lightly whisk to combine.
Pour into the ice cream machine and process.
Japanese Green Tomato and Wasabi Ice Cream Recipe
This is another of my useful (free rpg games), interesting (Star Wars Lego minifigures) blogs I write at the moment, my main one is GoldCoaster.
Keep checking back here for more Japanese Ice Cream.


  1. I loved browsing through all of the cool ice creams. Your blog is fantastic!

  2. thanks Andi , for the comment. You have a great List blog - good stuff.

  3. Yum, I love ice cream, but tomato? Oh well, I've got lots of little green tomatoes on my plants. Looks like I'll have to make ice cream.

  4. Thanks for coming back Plant Buddy.
    This recipe is for you - remember Tomato s a fruit! and you did want a Green Tomato Ice Cream recipe!!

  5. Hi, thanks for the comment today. About the Exhibition--we've always had lots of hucksters at the show, it's tradition. People often get taken and laugh it off.

  6. Hi, thanks for the comment today. About the Exhibition--we've always had lots of hucksters at the show, it's tradition. People often get taken and laugh it off.

  7. replaying to you post about my beto box story -

    What an interesting website! I can't quite wrap my brain around savory or meat/seafood flavored ice cream.

    As for your question, I've seen California Rolls made with crab salad instead of crab stick, but the I've been told that California Roll is usually made with crab stick because it holds together better, it keeps longer (like in a grocery store cooler) and its the roll of choice for people still scared of the raw fish aspect of sushi.



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