
Japanese Jersey Milk Vanilla Ice-Cream Recipe

Continuing from the Jersey milk Monaka bar article, here is a great recipe to make your own super rich, creamy Japanese Jersey Milk ice-cream. It has a lovely not too strong vanilla flavour with nice vanilla specs throughout the ice cream. Very gourmet!
Homemade Jersey Milk Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe
  • 150grams granulated sugar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • one vanilla pod, split
  • small pinch of salt
  • 3 cups of Jersey Cream
  • 3 cups full Jersey Milk
Mix sugar, split vanilla bean (scrape the seeds out and put them into the milk as well), and salt in top of double boiler; with the Jersey milk. Place over boiling water and cook until slightly thickened, around 10 minutes or so, stirring occasionally. Remove the vanilla pod.
Then reduce the heat so that water in bottom part of boiler is on a simmer. Beat eggs slightly and stir the hot milk mixture into it a little at a time to make a custard (and not scrambled eggs). Cook over the hot water 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
Remove from stove, chill. Add in the Jesrsey cream, add vanilla extract, stir a little then add it to your Japanese Ice Cream maker and churn until you get proper consistency. It makes around 2 litres of the creamiest vanilla ice cream you have ever had.jersey vanilla bean ice cream - japanese ice cream


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