
Six Flavour Japanese Ice Cream

Six Flavour Japanese Ice Cream.
I think I have posted about one of these big beauties before. (here it is , not quite as big as this one). Well it seems that this one has an extra two flavours of soft cream. The flavours from the bottom to the tap are Melon, Strong Milk, Banana, Green Tea, Chocolate and Strawberries & Milk. Fairly impressive isn't it - well it looked really good but it tasted just like any other soft serve ice cream.


  1. Thanks for the comment , Siti.
    Yes, the Japanese ice cream does look great doesn't it?

  2. 6 flavors!!!!!ohhhh,delicious!!!!i like it!!!!!!!!

  3. mmmm...i want to eat the ice cream tower. it looks so delicious.
    and i love your blog, for being ice cream, it is quite adorable.

  4. Thanks for visiting Bea. Yep, I love ice cream as well.

  5. I miss the vastness in Japanese soft serve flavours!!
    Just wondering whether you do anything work related to ice cream or do you just love it too much?


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