
Japanese Italian Monaka Icecream

This Japanese ice cream is really just a different flavoured Monaka bar – like the chocolate ice cream Monaka and jersey milk vanilla ice cream Monaka bars. This one tastes like strawberry/rasberry ice cream to me, I haven’t got a clue what makes it Italian flavour.

It was nice but nothing really special.

japanese ice cream lotte italian street manaka


  1. It says strawberry on the label: "Strawberry Chocolate Chip Monaka."

    Sounds pretty nice. I like Jumbo, myself. A good old vanilla icecream and chocolate bar. ;)

  2. Thanks for the translation, Tim.

    I agree with you I like the chocolate monaka best.

  3. I forgot to say - I still don't know what makes it Italian!

    And Tim - you are from Australia? I am on the Gold Coast Australia myself.

  4. Monaka is delicious! Haven't tried this one yet though. You can't go wrong with strawberry!


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