
Japanese White peach and Lafrance ice cream

Japanese White peach and Lafrance ice cream . I have no idea about the LaFrance part but this is White Peach and Pear flavoured ice cream. The ice cream has a little spice flavour of , maybe, cinnamon - I guess that could be the LaFrance flavour :). A bit like how apple pie has spice.

Anyway, this is really nice, really creamy and like I mentioned taste kind of like apple pie or peach cobbler. The ice cream is made by the Yamada Dairy Corporation even though the lid says from Zao Island.


  1. Looks absolutely yummy, would love to try it!!

  2. La France is the pear taste as you can see on the cover... I tried it in Japan and it was very good. It's funny because I didn't think we were known especially for pears ^^


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