
Disney Sea Salt Ice Cream from japan

Another strange flavour of Japanese ice Cream. Sea salt flavoured ice cream, it does not sound nice to me and being Disney branded sea salt ice cream (from the Japan Disney World) doesn't make it any sweeter..disney sea salt ice cream from japan

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  1. <------referring to taste and Disney logo

  2. I know this is old, but I thought to comment when I found it through google; the taste isn't bad at all. It's not just salt, is the thing; it's vanilla ice cream with just enough sea salt added to make it a slightly salty-sweet taste.

  3. I guess you are correct. A friend used to put just a pinch of salt in her coffee and it didn't taste too bad.

  4. after you play kingdom hearts
    you will think differently!

  5. Wow, I was wondering if there was such thing. lol

  6. i think it's good taste , i've tried it many years ago as i go to disney sea hmm...

    like....i just found out that it's meiji brand but i would like to taste it again ^^

  7. oh yes this does sound good. try pretzels and vanilla ice cream and tell me that don't taste good together. sweet and salty go good together. that is why they have a lot of stuff like that like sweet and salty chips.

  8. I think sea salt ice cream is really good! And yes, playing Kingdom Hearts makes eating it a lot more fun!


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