I was aked if there were any Green Tomato Ice Cream recipes but I couldn't find any. There are lots of Green Tea ice cream recipes though!
Anyway, I thought I will make my own Green Tomato and Wasabi Ice Cream. Tomato is a fruit so I guess it isn't so wierd as ice cream and the wasabi gives it just a little bite.
2-3 Green Tomatoes
400ml cream
3 egg yolks
100g castor sugar
1 tsp Wasabi paste
Wash then peel the green tomatoes (drop in boiling water for a couple of minutes then plunge in ice water to peel skin easily).
Blend and strain tomatoes to make a green tomato puree.
Pour the tomato puree into a saucepan and simmer until it has reduced to 150ml
Once the tomatoes have reduced, place in a container in the freezer until cold.
Add the cream,egg,sugar and wasabi in a saucepan and cook over very low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula until the mixture starts steaming and thickens slightly. Set aside in the refrigerater until cold.
When both mixtures have cooled, pour the puree into the egg mixture and lightly whisk to combine.
Pour into the ice cream machine and process.
This is another of my useful (free rpg games), interesting (Star Wars Lego minifigures) blogs I write at the moment, my main one is GoldCoaster.
Keep checking back here for more Japanese Ice Cream.
Green Tomato and Wasabi Ice Cream Recipe
Labels: green tomato, Ice Cream, Japanese Ice Cream, wasabi
Yokohama Ice Cream Expo
Japanese Ice Cream fans enjoyed the Yokohama Ice Cream Expo with thousands of people visiting. The organiser, Manabu Matsumoto, said that the beef tongue ice cream from Miyagi Prefecture was the most popular Ice Cream at the expo.
"We have ice cream from all over Japan – from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south – but beef tongue has been the one that people keep coming back for," he said.More than 125 varieties of ice cream have been available in the two week festival, including cheese, octopus, prawn and a garlic variety called Dracula's Premium Ice Cream. Another strange or different Japanese Ice cream was flavoured with very finely sliced pieces of pearl from Japans traditional pearl-growing region, mmm crunchy!
Most were selling for around Y300 to Y800 ($2.75-$7.00) for a little tub of ice cream. Most of these ice creams were real acquired tastes.
Many Japanese regions attempt to cash in on local produce, by inventing ice creams that incorporate their tastes, like the Jellyfish Ice Cream from Rakuten, complete with chunks of Jellyfish!.

This is another of my useful (free rpg games), interesting (Star Wars Lego minifigures) blogs I write at the moment, my main one is GoldCoaster.
Keep checking back here for more Japanese Ice Cream.
Labels: expo, Japanese Ice Cream, Yokohama
Marunaga Japanese Plum Flower Ice Cream
These little Japanese ice creams from Marunaga look absolutely fantastic. I haven't tried one, yet, but I am betting that they would be yummy. There are two flavours, both with Red Bean in the middle. I think I would like the Vanilla with nice sweet, tender Red Beans rather than the Green Tea with Red Bean.
And the shape of these little ice creams is meant to be shaped like a flower from a plum tree, pretty.
Marunaga say they were good enough to win a Gold medal in Europe for these Vanilla ice creams and people wrote in for Green Tea flavour so they started making that as well.
This is another of my useful (free rpg games), interesting (Star Wars Lego minifigures) blogs I write at the moment, my main one is GoldCoaster.
Keep checking back here for more Japanese Ice Cream.
Labels: Green Tea, Japanese Ice Cream, Red bean, vanilla
Simple Japanese Red Bean Ice Cream Recipe
I haven't posted many Japanese Ice Cream recipes so I am starting to from now.
This ice cream recipe is really good - Japanese Red Bean Ice Cream. I have made Red Bean (azuki) ice cream before but it was a big effort to make, this ice cream recipe is very simple. So here you go a very simple Red Bean Ice Cream to make and enjoy at home. Double Yum :)
1/2 cup sugar
3 egg yolks
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cups sweetened red bean paste
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
1) Beat sugar and egg yolks in a large bowl until it's pale and yellow then set aside.
2) Bring the milk to a boil in a heavy saucepan and then turn off heat.
3) Slowly whisk hot milk into the yolk and sugar mixture. Pour the entire mixture back into the heavy saucepan.
4) Put the saucepan on a very low heat and stir constantly, till it thickens. Do not let it boil! (You are basically making a custard here)
5) Take the mixture off the heat and whisk in the red bean paste really well. Strain the whole mixture into a large bowl to remove lumps.
6) Let it cool for a few minutes and then stir in the cream. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
7) Process according to your ice cream maker's instructions.
8) Important step - share with friends and enjoy this great Japanese Ice Cream!
This is another of my useful (free rpg games) , interesting (Star Wars Lego minifigures) blogs I write at the moment, my main one is GoldCoaster
Keep checking back here for more Japanese Ice Cream.
Labels: Ice Cream, Japanese Ice Cream, recipe, Red bean